All code submitted to UTMStack via Pull Request (PR) must go through a review before being merged. This applies to both internal and external contributions.


- Each PR must be reviewed by at least one maintainer or senior collaborator.

- Maintainers are responsible for managing reviews of submitted PRs.


For each PR the reviewer must:

- Read description to understand purpose and scope of changes.

- Review code, modified files, and diffs to evaluate implementation.

- Test and run changes locally if applicable.

- Verify compliance with style and design guidelines. 

- Assess code quality and clarity.

- Validate update of relevant documentation.

- Approve PR or request improvements from author.

Evaluation Criteria

- Code readability and maintainability. 

- Implementation robustness.

- Unit and integration tests.

- Performance optimizations.  

- Updated documentation.

- Adherence to standards and guidelines.


The code review process helps maintain quality and consistency of the UTMStack codebase.

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