We are committed to maintaining an open and welcoming community. We value the participation of all members of the UTMStack community and want the experience of participating to be enjoyable for everyone. 


To achieve this, we expect to:

- Be considerate of other members of the community. Value their contributions and opinions. 

- Be respectful. Not make personal attacks against other members.

- To be understanding. Disagreements and differences of opinion are normal, but discussion should be polite.

- Refrain from intimidating, harassing or otherwise discriminatory behavior.

- Focus on the good of the community. The interests of individuals are not above those of the community.

Administrators will be responsible for enforcing this Code of Conduct. Community members who do not follow these rules may be banned or banned temporarily or permanently.

Our highest priority is to maintain a friendly, safe and collaborative environment. With everyone's participation we can achieve this.

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