To report bugs or request new features in UTMStack, please create a new issue in our Support portal :


Follow these guidelines to help us fix the issue efficiently:

Reporting Bugs

- Use the "Bug Report" template

- Include the name and version of UTMStack 

- Detail the steps to reproduce the bug

- Explain the actual vs. expected behavior

- Add screenshots, logs and relevant data

Feature Requesting

- Use the "Feature Request" template

- Clearly describe the new functionality

- Explain the use case and reason for needing it

- Share examples from other applications or libraries


- Use the "Question" template

- Explain in detail your question about usage, configuration, etc.

- Include what you have tried and researched


By following these guidelines you ensure that we report the necessary information to be able to reproduce, prioritize and resolve the reported issues. 

Thank you for contributing to improve UTMStack!

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